Number Reverse in PHP
Write a program for number reverse in php. Here we will discuss how to do the number reverse in php without using any string functions. Reverse number…
Armstrong Number
Write a php program to find the number is an Armstrong Number or not If the sum of the cubes of the digits of a number is…
Factorial in PHP Simple Program1
Write a program to find the factorial in php of a number. Factorial of a number is the product of numbers from 1 to ‘n’. Eg:- 5!…
Create folder using php
How to create folder using php. Use mkdir() function to create new folder using php. We can also specify the full path to create folder as follows,…
Create CSV file with php
How to create csv file with php? Generating csv file with php and download it. In this article we will discuss about how to create CSV file…
Sending Emails using PHP
Sending emails using php can be done by the mail() function. If you are looking for codeigniter mail function please click here. In this article we will…
PHP form submit on same page
How to do PHP form submit on same page. On submitting the form stay on same page. In this article we’ll discuss php form submit on same…
Upload Base64 image PHP
How to upload base64 image php? Uploading base64 encoded image in php. In this article we will discuss about how to upload a base64 encoded image in…
Remove html tags from string using php
How to remove html tags from string using php? We can remove html tags from string by using strip_tags() in php. The strip_tags() function strips a string…
Highlight and Compare strings with differences and similarities in php
How to compare strings with differences and similarties in php ? In this article we’ll discusshow to compare strings with differences and similarities in php. Usually we…