How to send mail in CodeIgniter using the normal mail() email library.
We can send mail in codeigniter using the mail() and SMTP methods.
To know how to send mail using SMTP click this link – sending smtp mail in codeigniter.
The mail() is the simplest method to send mail in codeigniter.
Controller :
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Sendmail extends CI_Controller
public function __construct()
public function sendMail()
$to = 'xxxx@xxxx.xxx'; // mail id to recieve mails
$subject = 'Testing mail';
$from = 'xxxx@xxxx.xxx'; // from mail id
$message = 'testing';
- create a controller calledĀ Sendmail
- load theĀ email library
- specify the to address and from address
- define subject and message
- $this->email->send(); will send your message to the to address
This will work only in live server. That means you have to put this code in live then check.
For more details please check Email class codeigniter